Persona, previously marketed as Shin Megami Tensei: Persona outside of Japan, is a video game franchise developed and primarily published by Atlus, and owned by Sega. Focusing around a series of role-playing video games, Persona is a spin-off from Atlus' Megami Tensei franchise.
Genre(s): Role-playing, social simulation, fighting
Parent series: Megami Tensei
Developers: Atlus, P Studio, Arc System Works, Omega Force, iXIT Corporation, more
Designers: Shigenori Soejima, Katsura Hashino, Toshimichi Mori, Naoya Maeda
Publishers: Atlus, Sega, Ubisoft, Arc System Works, Sony Interactive Entertainment, more
15 million units
The Persona series as a whole has sold over 15 million units (including digital copies) worldwide since the series debut 25 years ago. The previously reported sales record for the Persona series was 13.1 million units as of March 2020 according to Sega Sammy's integrated report 2020.30-Jun-2021
Persona Series Surpasses 15 Million Copies Sold Worldwide, ...
persona sales
Personality type
Myers-Briggs® Personality Types Of Persona 5 Characters
9 Joker – ENFP.
8 Ryuji – ESFP.
7 Ann – ESFJ.
6 Morgana – ENTJ.
5 Yusuke – ISFP.
4 Makoto – INFJ.
3 Futaba – INTP.
2 Haru – INFP.
More items...•01-Mar-2019
Myers-Briggs® Personality Types Of Persona 5 Characters - TheGamer
persona series personality types
Esrb rating
M' for Mature
The official Entertainment Software Rating Board rating for Persona 5 has been revealed to be”M” for Mature (ages 17 and over), based on an updated Atlus USA sales sheet.18-Oct-2016
Persona 5 Officially Rated 'M' for Mature by the ESRB
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