Bomberman is a video game franchise originally developed by Hudson Soft and currently owned by Konami. The original game, also known as Bakudan Otoko, was released in Japan in July 1983 and has since spawned multiple sequels and spin-offs released on numerous platforms, as well as several anime and manga adaptations.
Genre(s): Action
Artist(s): Shoji Mizuno; Naoto Yoshimi; Kozue Narai(Kozue Satoh)
Publishers: Nintendo, Hudson Soft, Sega, Konami, Konami Digital Entertainment, more
Developers: Hudson Soft, Konami, Konami Digital Entertainment, Activision, Racjin, Irem, more
Designers: Masanori Yasuda, Jeremy Airey, Ryuichiro Taki, Kurt W. Dekker, Norio Ohkubo
Bomberman, sometimes referred to as White Bomberman, is the main protagonist of the Bomberman series. He is the primary representative of the Bomberman people, who became the dominant inhabitants of Planet Bomber. Like every other Bomberman, he has the ability to generate bombs.
Kazuko Sugiyama
Kazuko Sugiyama
Occupation Actress voice actress
Years active 1966–present
Agent Aoni Production
Notable work Bomberman as Bomberman Alps no Shōjo Heidi as Heidi Urusei Yatsura as Ten Dr. Slump and Arale-chan as Akane Kimidori Gatchaman as Jun the Swan
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